Thursday, August 16, 2007 

Safety Of Penis Pills - The Ingredients In It

More and more men nowadays tend to take some kinds of penis pills to enhance their erection strength and other aspects of their sexuality. There are so many brands of penis enlargement pills available on today's market, some of them even claim that can enlarge your member size permanently.

Men now have many options when trying to get some penis pills to help them enhance their sexual ability. It's very crucial for men to get a quality penis pills to avoid facing some serious some effects. Always look out for the ingredients on it, a good penis enlargement pills usually will not hide its ingredients from consumers.

Avoid buying those pills that contain Ephedra and Yohimbe, these two ingredients are banned or not recommended by FDA. Here we list out 5 of the high quality ingredients that can help men to enhance their sexual ability effectively.

1) Arjuna

Arjuna is mainly used in cardiovascular health; it is one of the important components of a healthy sexual life. With the function to regulate both blood pressure and heart rate, this herb works to pace the body, which can be a beneficial trait when having sex.

2) Zinc (gluconate)

Zinc is very important in producing the healthy and quality sperm. It also helps in the metabolism of testosterone. Zinc is more easily tolerated in the form of zinc gluconate.

3) Shatavari

Shatavari has been used to help male who suffering from sexual debility and impotence. It also has a calming affect on the body, which can help to balance out the body weight, reduce anxiety and promote a healthy sleep.

4) Musli

Musli is a natural aphdrodisiac used in Ayurvedic medicine and also Chinese traditional medicine. It is found in the south-Eastern part of the India. This herb has been treated by some men as a natural alternative to Viagra and is acclaimed for its many beneficial qualities.

5) Reishi Mushroom

Reishi mushroom is used to increase a man's stamina and energy. It also helps in boasting anti-allergic, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and antioxidant properties. Reishi can be used to lift the mood and increase man's sense of spirit and vitality.

A quality penis enlargement pills usually will contain some if not all of these proven ingredients. Penis enhancement pills definitely will help to improve the sexual health of men. Yet, it will not enlarge your penis size unless you take it in conjunction with enlargement exercises program.

There is a penis enlargement pills called Prosolution pills do contain all of the ingredients stated above and the seller of it also give their users a free membership to access a quality enlargement exercises program. Kenneath, the author invite you to visit for its review and see is there any side effects of the prosolution pills

Author - Kenneath

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Penis Pills Reviewed

When you are trying to have a baby you begin to notice every small little detail regarding your sex life and personal health. It's not as if you are trying to pick on yourself (or your spouse), but more so that you are trying to pick out the mistakes. In fact, humans are incredibly eager for the opportunity to find our own weaknesses.

For men, there is a large stigma around the penis. Issues such as size, shape, and color all become incredibly important, and a man's self-perspective of his sexuality has a huge role to play in his self esteem. Women experience this to a certain degree with their breasts, though many women realize that most men are rather indifferent when it comes to size. However, nearly every man has some insecurity regarding his penis.

The reality is that a man will always want to improve the one thing on his body that he is unable to: his penis. But, it is not only the physical penis itself, but also all of the inner workings.

Many different products have come on the market that allow men to change themselves. There are pills, such as VigRx Plus, that claim to be able to increase the length and width of the penis; VolumePills are designed to increase erection quality and semen volume; surgical options now exist for men who want to increase the size of their penis in a much more invasive and permanent way.

This article is not going to become a review of various products, but rather a series of questions and need to be answered. To start, how would a pill such as VigRx Plus or VolumePills work? Both of their manufacturers showcase independent clinical studies that sing the praises of the good in question, such as its all natural "herbal" ingredients.

VigRx Plus targets the cells in the penis that hold blood, attempting to make them larger through herbal means. VigRx Plus also promotes more blood flow to the penis.

VolumePills appear to work quite well, and that it does not increase the size of the penis, VolumePills do have very complete effects. We found a review that says that VolumePills did not necessarily increase the potency or quality of the erection, though it did increase their libido. In our experience, the results are quite concrete and hard to deny.

So, ladies, if your man is taking male enhancement pills, such as VigRx Plus or VolumePills, be sure to take the time to find out why they are taking those supplements. Perhaps the reason for any sexual inadequacy is the result psychological means, and perhaps not a physical situation.

For the male, it's always about trying to become better. At least, that's what I've learned.

Cameron Pascoal invites you to discover which products work for penis enhancement. Want to cure your erectile dysfunction? What about penis enlargement or to increase semen volume and sperm count? See penis enlargement pill reviews and even a full-page volumepills review, all submitted by real customers and guest testers.

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How to Make Penis Bigger - Natural Methods to Enlarge Your Penis

Penis enlargement is a popular topic that is ever increasing. Thousands of men feel inadequate when it comes to penis size, and often try many methods, devices, pills, and exercises in the hope of enlarging their penis.

For the majority of men the idea of gaining an increase in girth size is the most important part of penis enlargement, as it can compliment length gain and adds greater sexual pleasure for both men and women. The fact is though that nearly all men do not know how to make penis bigger.

Whereas there are many methods to try to enlarge the penis, from stretchers to pumps, to pills, to exercises, the best results for 99% of men will come from a combination of using proven exercises and a clinically proven stretching device. Another method that can also help when used with these two methods is Jelqing.

Achieving penis enlargement isn't an overnight thing, despite what you may read by some company offering a miracle penis enlargement pill or penis pump. However, for those that wonder whether they can actually achieve a larger penis the answer is yes, as long as you stick to the exercises and use a traction device from a medically backed system. There is no doubt in this, but it is important to not jump from one "how to make penis bigger in 1 week" scam program to the next.

As soon as you've decided you want a bigger penis you have to dedicate yourself to doing the exercises and using the traction device. Stick to the system and you will achieve considerable increases in penis length and girth.

Penis enlargement can not only improve your confidence in the bedroom and when around women, but it can also help boost self esteem in day-to-day life. If you constantly think that you want to improve your confidence, naturally enlarge penis size, and help control premature ejaculations then you owe it to yourself to try a proven system, which I will show you later on.

Penis enlargement is a subject that comes with a lot of skepticism because of the many scams that surround male enhancement, and some of the devices do seem a little far fetched (penis pumps for example). Traction devices though are safe and do work, although not all will provide an increase in girth. This is why it is important to choose a superior device that will provide returns in both penis length and girth.

For the best penis enlargement program available to increase penis length, girth, improve confidence, control premature ejaculation, and correct penile curvatures, use the clinically proven and medically backed system at Enlarge Penis Size.

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Know All About Your Quick Ejaculation Problem

Premature ejaculation is a condition that has been experienced by every man, majorly because it is a relative issue. Earlier definitions of premature ejaculation was restricted to a man ejaculating under three minutes, but recently premature ejaculation is simply defined as when a man ejaculates when it is not desirable for him and his lover.

A man who can satisfy a lover that requires ten minutes of penetration to achieve an orgasm would not consider himself as suffering from premature ejaculation because he can satisfy his partner. On the other if a man can maintain his erection for twenty minutes and his lover requires twenty-two minutes of penetration to achieve an orgasm then it is clear he suffers from premature because he cannot control his ejaculation to the point where it would be pleasurable for his lover and himself.

Three out every ten men considers that they ejaculate too quickly. Premature ejaculation can wash away a mans self confidence and cause him a great amount of self-doubt knowing his lover would be frustrated as a result of not been able to achieve orgasm during sex.

For young men aged between 18 and 25 premature ejaculation is a common occurrence as this is usually their first experience and the time to reach ejaculation varies from thirty seconds to about three minutes. As men mature, the time to achieve ejaculation gradually increases basically because they have more experience with sex.

Most men are not concerned about going more than one round the main concern of most men is to last as long as he desires so he can enable his lover achieve an orgasm. If you do not ejaculate when you want and when your lover wants you to, then you suffer from premature ejaculation. Like I said premature ejaculation is not measured in time it is a relative issue based on what a couple wants

If you feel that you do orgasm too quickly, then you should be concerned about solving your premature ejaculation problem. There are quite a few ways of gaining control over the time it takes for you to ejaculate. One is wearing a thicker condom during sexual intercourse or wearing two thin condoms to reduce the sensitivity of your penis, another is the use of delaying sprays or creams that work by slightly numbing the penis. Such methods reduce the amount of pleasure enjoyed by you during sex.

The best method for solving premature ejaculation is the use of premature ejaculation exercises, which enable you, learn to control your orgasm. The only but with such exercise is they take quite some time to begin seeing results. Herbal premature ejaculation pills is also the next best method for stopping premature ejaculation as all you need to do is take the pill and it increases the time it takes for you to ejaculate.

A combination of both herbal premature ejaculation pills and premature ejaculation exercises is excellent. While doing such exercises you take the herbal premature ejaculation pills to increase the time it takes for you to reach orgasm without being anxious about seeing results or if you have no time for such exercise at that period of time.

For more information on how you can solve your premature ejaculation problem within the shortest possible time visit:

Mobolaji Olatunde is passionate about educating men how to erase the problem of premature ejaculation from their lives!

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Males Abused Also-Not Just Females

A man I once treated was neglected in foster homes from birth to age 2, when the real trouble began. His adoptive father hated him. He was yelled at, beaten, thrown out to agencies, brought back, cursed, ignored, insulted, and belittled until he was farmed out permanently to a boys home in his early teens.

His adoptive mother, living in terror that her husband might kill both of them, kept her mouth shut and even remained living with the man long after the boy had grown up.

To this day, the young man has told no-one but his therapist that when he was four he would wake up from nightmares about something hard and slimy under his blanket. When he awoke and felt the mattress, he wondered where the substance came from and what it was.

All of his life, he was tormented by his uncertain sexual identity. Even as this book was being written, he wondered whether he was bi-sexual or homosexual. But there is one thing he knows for sure: He has full-blown AIDS, and in his mind, its all his fault.

Love of money has been called the root of all kinds of evil. But child abuse is a root that runs deeper, spreads farther, and holds a specific, predictable consequence: the loss of personhood and often of life itself.

This author, when presenting a continuing education class on domestic violence for a medical center in Jacksonville, Florida, began his remarks with this statement: Domestic violence begins at four.

Abuse at the hands of a partner in early adulthood does not arise out of a vacuum merely by the poor choice of a mate, whether you are a man or a woman. Rather, maltreatment from this stage on is the natural outcome of a type of brainwashing that begins early and receives reinforcement many times over through the years.

It is during the early years that humans acquire their first ideas about who they are, and, unfortunately, they believe these falsehoods for the rest of their lives. Victims are initiated into a pattern of abuse, including self abuse, not in adulthood, but in childhood.

As a matter of fact, every one of us comes into adulthood with a second-hand opinion of who we are. When a little child is called brilliant, stupid, beautiful, ugly, hopeless, helpless, good, bad, a blessing or a curse, the child has no choice but to accept these assertions as gospel. What other source of information does he have? He can absorb only the information which is available to him.

These messages are communicated just as well or better by what is unsaid. The glances, the pauses, the scowls, the smiles, the visual forces, speak indelibly though without sound. The impressions the child receives that define who he is are permanent. They are like initials carved in the bark of a young tree that only enlarge as the tree grows.

Dr. Heyward Ewart, III, is a retired psychologist with 25 years of commitment to victims of abuse and other violence, both males and females. He has spoken widely on these issues and has served as an expert witness in several states. He is a diplomate of the American College of Forensic Examiners and a former member of the White House Conference on Families. His book, AM I BAD? Recovering from Abuse, is available by upload at, along with free professional tests and other vital tools.

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Problems With Ejaculation?

Ejaculation is the culmination of a sexual act, either when intercourse or masturbation is undertaken. It is a pleasurable process that most men look forward to. There are many different ways to ejaculate, some we will learn through necessity while others out of curiosity.

Erectile dysfunctions are more and more common in todays world. The increasing amount of pollution is causing a large number of these dysfunctions.

In this article we will discuss just one of these particular sexual dysfunctions called delayed ejaculation. This basically means the inability to ejaculate, which as you can imagine is an unfortunate situation to be in.

The most common form of delayed ejaculation makes the man unable to ejaculate while in the presence of their partner.

If a man is cannot ejaculate in the presence of his partner, but can ejaculate normally while alone after some sort of sexual stimulation, then the reason behind his dysfunction is solely psychological.

Men suffering from such a dysfunction quite often have quite strict religious backgrounds and are generally taught that sex is a sin. There are also cases where traumatic events have led to this dysfunction. One other reason is that a man is simply not attracted to his partner.

Sometimes men are unable to ejaculate while masturbating, quite often they are leading a normal sex life. Some of the causes mentioned above also apply in this case.

If you are suffering from such a problem, you should seek professional help immediately. Go to your physician or doctor to get a referral to a therapist that can help both you and your partner.

The therapist will basically try to teach the two partners about sexual stimulation and their response in order to help them understand their own needs. The therapist might even recommend a treatment if necessary and can psychologically talk you out of such a situation.

Ideally, you should be able to stimulate yourself and your partner by just relaxing. There are little tricks everybody can use to bring sex closer to more perfect situation.

Try having a romantic candle light dinner, have some wine, and if you both think that porn can stimulate you in a better manner, then go for it.

You should try to avoid delicate issues in conversation and focus on having fun in a relaxed way. Try hugging and caressing each other instead of rushing into the sex part and be sure to take your time. provides its readers with sexual advice on a range of issues including common sex problems, foreplay and intercourse.

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Get Rid Of Chest Fat - The Effortless Solution

Having too much chest fat is unattractive and embarrassing. Many men have excessive chest fat and they desperately try to lose it. I know guys who first started going to the gym with the specific goal of reducing the amount of chest fat they had.

While it is possible to reduce chest fat with the proper weight training and aerobic routines, it is extremely difficult to get rid of chest fat entirely. It is also a long and tedious process. Don't expect that a little jogging and chest presses will turn your chest around.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not against exercising. In fact, I highly recommend doing chest exercises and cardio routines to reduce chest fat. I have written extensively on the subject. But some guys simply lack the time or the inclination to do the necessary work involved. Some guys are either too busy or want a faster and easier solution to their chest fat problems.

So what is the effortless solution to losing chest fat?

The answer is chest fat reduction pills, also known as Gynecomastia pills. Gynecomastia is the medical term for excessive male chest fat (which some people refer to as man boobs). Gynecomastia pills target the fatty chest cells and reduce them in both size and quantity. All it takes is taking them a few times a day from 3-6 months to get optimal results.

While these pills have excellent reported results, they have one major downside: they don't build your pectoral muscles. For that the gym is the place. But if you just want toget rid of your chest fat and have a firmer, flatter and less flabbier chest, these pills may be the solution for you.

To read tips and ways on how to totally eliminate your man boobs click here: How To Get Rid Of Your Man Boobs Fast.

John Davenport writes on ways to get rid of chest fat on this website, click here: Unknown Ways To Lose Chest Fat

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