Anniversary Gift Ideas For Couples
While the mere mention of the words anniversary gift can send many a spouse running for cover, they dont need to be so fear inducing. If you just break down the word anniversary you could find the inspiration you need to come up with a perfect gift.
The word anniversary is made up of two smaller words. Annus is the first part, and means year. The versus part of anniversary means returning. So if you put them together, of course, the meaning is year returning or looking back through the years. Doesnt that get your wheels turning about possible anniversary gift ideas? You could come up with a gift that reminds you and your spouse of all the wonderful years youve had together and just what you've meant to each other along the way.
Of course, you could fall back on all the traditional gifts. Every year of marriage is marked by some specific type of gift or material. Early on you have the paper anniversary, then it progresses to china, silver, gold and eventually diamond. It doesnt take too much creativity to follow such a gift-giving chart, but although the gift will surely be cherished, a personalized gift from the heart will mean so much more.
So what sort of anniversary gift can you give that will remind your spouse of the years you've spent together?
Photos are always a great way to relive the past, and marriage photos in particular, tend to be put away a few months after the wedding and then forgotten. You could pull out some of the old photos and do something special to give them new life. Assembling them in an album, especially if they havent been previously organized, could make a great gift. You could also have one or more of the photos enlarged and framed or get started with scrapbooking, where you have thousands of options to embellish and present your photos in an elegant and thoughtful way.
Another special gift could be the gift of time. As we get older our lives tend to become busier, and sometimes we seem to be moving in opposite directions. You could plan a special time with your spouse, anything from a dinner and dancing to a full-out vacation. You could also spend time taking a class together. Has your spouse always wanted you to learn to dance, or are your cooking skills lacking? These might be interesting ideas for classes you could take together.
Remember, as with any gift, its the thought that counts. Make this years anniversary gift one full of thoughts about the past, as well as your future together.
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